Reservation and Fees
Zazenkai (Group sitting) Reservations:
Please make reservations for group zazenkai ("Zazenkai with Matsumoto-san" or "Weekly Zazenkai") below.
Please reserve more than a day in advance. Reservations are turned off 24 hours prior to start.
If you need to cancel, please do so in a timely manner.
Click here for details on zazenkai.
Participation fee is 4,000 yen (approx $30US) for the 4-hour zazenkai with Matsumoto-san. This includes interpretation and Q&A. Dokusan (one-on-one Q&A) is also possible.
If this is too expensive for your income level, let us know, and we will adjust accordingly. No one is turned away due to lack of funds.
Wednesday evening zazenkai are free.
We cannot refund no-shows or cancellations made after the zazenkai begins.
Private Sessions:
To reserve a private session, please use the contact form page. Make sure to read the information on the private sessions page first.
Private session fee: 10 minutes intervals @2,000 yen (approx $15USD).
(All dates and times are Japan time. We find this time converter site easy to use.)
Zazenkai with Matsumoto-san:
September 9 (Mon) 9:00-13:00 (N/S America is Sunday, Sep 8)
September 29 (Sun) 18:00-22:00
Weekly sitting (1 hour) with Madoka on Wednesday nights, 21:00-22:00. Reservations can be made here
Please reserve early. Reservations close 24 hours prior to the start of zazenkai.
Reservations for online zazenkai twice a month and private sessions. Feel free to contact us with questions too.
Please do not use, reproduce, modify, and/or divert any content of this website.
Please understand that it may take a few days to respond to your inquiries, requests or comments.
Please be timely in making reservations or cancellations.